Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Conspiracy in Your Mouth

So the BBC ran an article today about a gaffe at an HIV/AIDS conference in India where the country's health minister called homosexuality a disease. What a fool. Even the UN condemned him. If homosexuality was a disease, it would be simple enough to develop a vaccine or a cure, or at the very least, a drug or other treatment that would suppress the symptoms. Try and tell the Ex-gay movement that conversion is that easy. It's not, and here's why: people are born gay. There's nothing they can do about it. There was no point in their life when they were straight, then became infected with a gay 'bug.' It's not their fault. It is their mother's fault. And no, they didn't take them shopping and let them paint their nails too many times (although that certainly didn't help). All that Freudian stuff about how kids learn things that they carry with them for years after is nonsense. Kids don't retain anything. What I'm talking about here is prenatal and early childhood care. That's right. Pregnant mothers make their unborn children gay. Then they finish the job with stuff like soy formula and figs. Figs are just SO GAY. I have been wondering exactly which mechanism the global gay conspiracy has been utilizing to assimilate our children, and now I have it. It's all in the food we eat. It's so fiendishly clever. I have to tip my hat to the Anglican Underground for letting me know about this. Those fellows are a boon to the God-fearing among us. You can find their report on the gay food threat here.

 If you eat this cereal, you will begin to feel an urge to attend Carnivale
farmfoods catered every set of Brokeback Mountain

TLDR: You are what you eat; don't eat gay food.

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